



Feasting on Fanesca – Easter in Ecuador

Easter is a great time to visit Ecuador! With such a large Catholic population, the week known as Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, is a time of celebration and it is common to come across festivals, parades and street music.

But this Easter I discovered another benefit to being in Ecuador during holy week - Fanesca! In 10 minutes of walking around town I had seen Fanesca advertised in about 90% of the restaurants I walked past, but I had no idea what it was. Being in a...

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus' adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you!


1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, shellfish and coconut milk spiced with coriander. It is served with a side of plantain and another whole grilled fish just for good...

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