Central America

Mexican ruins and their street food counterparts


Fascinating ancient ruins and mouth wateringly delicious street food are arguably the two main pillars of every great trip to Mexico. Some travellers may have tasted all of Mexico’s most iconic dishes but aren’t too hot on their Mayan history. Others might be keen experts on Mexico’s past but haven’t dabbled in some of the nation’s favourite dishes. From the obvious favourites to the more obscure phenomena, parallels can be (tenuously)...

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Travel tips

Trip planning

10 dishes that prove a vegetarian won’t starve in Eastern Europe

Shopska Salad

Trying out the local cuisine might just be one of the best parts of exploring a new country. With so much on offer to tickle your taste buds it can be difficult to narrow it down and you might just come home 10 pounds heavier (but that’s the joy of holidays right?) Travelling as a vegetarian can be challenging at times, especially when the waiter gives you that confused look when you tell them "no, you also don’t eat chicken, it’s meat too" (we’ve all...

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Feasting on Fanesca – Easter in Ecuador

Easter is a great time to visit Ecuador! With such a large Catholic population, the week known as Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, is a time of celebration and it is common to come across festivals, parades and street music.

But this Easter I discovered another benefit to being in Ecuador during holy week - Fanesca! In 10 minutes of walking around town I had seen Fanesca advertised in about 90% of the restaurants I walked past, but I had no idea what it was. Being in a...

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus' adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you!


1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, shellfish and coconut milk spiced with coriander. It is served with a side of plantain and another whole grilled fish just for good...

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Outing the Old el Paso myth

Tour Leader in Central America, Bec takes us on a voyage of culinary discoveries, tickling our taste buds.

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Food in Peru

Diane’s passion for food is as big as her love of travelling. While tour leading with her husband, Diane gets to sample many of the culinary delights of South America.

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Foods of South and Eastern Africa

Ex Tour Leader, Owen Denton, describes the different foods that Africa has to offer. It is not all cornmeal porridge but delicious seafood, fruits and meats.

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Markets of Stone Town

Zanzibar Spice Island; an exotic and chaotic that challenged and delighted Rebecca’s preconceptions.

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Sampling Vietnamese Cuisine

Owen Denton, ex Tour Leader at Tucan Travel has journeyed the world, sampling all the culinary delights on offer. Here he offers advice on where to eat in one of the most flavourful countries in Asia.

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Learn to cook Nom Du Du

Koto Vietnam's recipe for smoked eggplant with garlic, chilli and basil, a traditional Vietnamese dish  is as easy to cook as it is delicious.  Koto is a restaurant devoted to training young people living on the streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to cook and develop the skills needed for a better and safer future.  For more information on Koto and to find out how to donate to this fantastic charity, click here.


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