
Trip planning

Top 10 things to do in Jordan

Cities sculpted into stone valleys, architectural echoes of countless civilisations, an endless ocean of desert and host of some of the most important religious sites on the planet, Jordan is a veritable smorgasbord of cultural delights. Add to that the natural phenomena on offer and the immeasurable hospitality of its people and you may begin to question why you haven’t visited already. Here are the top ten reasons to visit this remarkable...

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Trip planning

8 things to do in Israel

sunset in Jerusalem, overlooking jerusalem's old city

Israel is on the bucket list for many curious explorers and travellers with a keen interest in history. However, a lot of people have the miss-conception that the country isn’t safe to visit. Luckily we can tell you this isn’t true. In fact, travellers return from their visit to Israel telling quite the opposite story. But everything has a silver lining. It does mean that Israel is still less travelled in comparison to other destinations in the region. Making now...

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Egypt Adventures Bring Travellers All-New Rewards

As post-revolutionary Egypt starts to welcome back tourists, Tucan Travel has seen a renewed interest from travellers looking for an adventure holiday with a difference.

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