

9 Cat facts that will make you want to travel Egypt

two mummified cats in a museum in egypt

Love cats and travel? Of course you do! Here at Tucan Travel we are cat-egorically in love with all things feline. What better way to celebrate the launch of our updated Egypt tours than to share these 9 crazy facts about cats. Though, to be honest, we would be  happy to talk about cats even without the launch!

Why 9?

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FILED UNDER: Africa, UncategorizedTags:

Trip planning

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Top ten offbeat museums

Cup noodle tunnel | © The Cup Noodle Museum

You don’t have to be a history buff or art lover to appreciate museum collections. Let’s be honest, looking at surviving ancient artifacts stirs at something profound. But not all museums...

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North Africa

The seven wonders of the ancient world

The pyramids in Egypt in the desert with blue skies and clouds

What are the seven wonders of the ancient world?

The Greeks had a habit which I'm sure many of us can relate to - making lists. Explorers travelled the area of the Mediterranean sea and created the first-ever 'must-see' list - 'the seven ancient wonders of the world'.  From the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the statue of Zeus, the wonders all contain a certain sense of mystery and intrigue. All created for different purposes, comprising of various heights and made...

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Game of Thrones filming locations you can visit

Hvar Island - Croatia - Game of Thrones locations

Game of Thrones fans everywhere are waiting with baited breath for the concluding season to air, when we will finally uncover the fate of Jon Snow and Daenerys. Yes, there has been some other much-loved shows out in the last few years (we’re talking Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead), but there are no fans as die-hard as GOT fans. Fans may Continue Reading






Favourite books that inspire travel

World book day

As expected, we’re an office of itchy-footed travellers who are constantly thinking about the next place on our travel list - and reading is one of the biggest sources of inspiration. Those inevitable 16 hour bus journeys to god-knows-where in the heart of Asia, provide the perfect excuse to bury our noses in travel books! And if travelling isn’t quite on the cards right now, you can be easily transported worlds away through the use of a few pages, a bit of text and a colourful...

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Travel tips

Trip planning

Why it’s time to put Egypt on your bucket-list

Looking for an all year destination with culture, a warm welcome and the chance of a bargain? Look no further than Egypt, where history, hospitality, heat and the chance to haggle collide, offering you the adventure of a lifetime.


For over 7000 years Egypt has been a source of wonder and delight. With one of the oldest recorded written languages and home to two of the seven Wonders of the...

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Egypt Adventures Bring Travellers All-New Rewards

As post-revolutionary Egypt starts to welcome back tourists, Tucan Travel has seen a renewed interest from travellers looking for an adventure holiday with a difference.

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