

Travel tips

Trip planning

Why Southeast Asia is the ultimate vegan travel destination

Southeast Asia is one of the most popular backpacking destinations for adventurous and budget-friendly travellers. As well as rich cultures, otherworldly landscapes and some of the best beaches in the world, many flock to this corner of the globe for the unforgettable foodie experiences. While the thought of the Southeast Asian food scene might conjure up images of fried insects on sticks, it actually has a multitude of vegan choices, with plant-based cafes...

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Trip planning

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Top ten offbeat museums

Cup noodle tunnel | © The Cup Noodle Museum

You don’t have to be a history buff or art lover to appreciate museum collections. Let’s be honest, looking at surviving ancient artifacts stirs at something profound. But not all museums...

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A day in Kuala Lumpur

There’s so much to see and do in Kuala Lumpur, many people are spoilt for choice. From the temples outside the city to the high rises and huge shopping centres, there is something for everyone. Jen Anderson, Tour Leader at Tucan Travel recommends how to spend a day.

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