
Travel tips

Stepping Into the Screen – Oscar winning movies whose locations you can visit

The Andes in Patagonia

With the approach of the 92nd Academy Awards, as with every Oscar season, our cinemas have become inundated with some of the year’s greatest achievements in cinema. Stories that inspire awe, wonder and a sense of artistry in all who love the film industry and a vital part of any film that wishes to reach these heights is the setting. So often the most spectacular films capture the very essence of the location in which they are set to such a degree that you gain a familiarity with the...

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Earth’s greatest stargazing hotspots

Strlight over a lake in Patagonia, Chile

There aren’t many things more mesmerising than gazing up at the Milky Way during a clear night sky and gaining a greater scope of the unimaginably colossal scale of our solar system. Whilst the stars can be witnessed regardless of where you are, some places on earth provide astronomical views with such clarity that gazing at the stars will leave you breathless. This Saturday, 5th October, we are celebrating the majesty of our night skies in honour of...

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Trip planning

Top 10 things to do in Jordan

Cities sculpted into stone valleys, architectural echoes of countless civilisations, an endless ocean of desert and host of some of the most important religious sites on the planet, Jordan is a veritable smorgasbord of cultural delights. Add to that the natural phenomena on offer and the immeasurable hospitality of its people and you may begin to question why you haven’t visited already. Here are the top ten reasons to visit this remarkable...

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Travel tips

Trip planning

Trending destinations in 2019

Seasoned globe-trotter or saving up for your first big trip several time zones away from home, the question of where to head for an eye-opening and refreshing adventure is something we all ponder. To welcome in this brand new year we've put together our round-up of trending destinations for the year ahead. Here's to a happy and healthy 2019, full of excitement and adventure!


Sculptural desert landscapes, ancient cities and the...

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