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South America

travel calendar

Travel tips

Trip planning

10 best places to go in October

Scenery in Patagonia

It can be difficult to decide where to travel to, especially if you're bound by a certain time of year or month. Fear not, our travel calendar has lots of inspiration and idea for your next holiday! Below you'll find our best places to go in October.

Looking for another month? Check out our travel calendar.

1. Salt Flats, Bolivia


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Best time to visit Japan: month by month

pink cherry blossom trees in front of mount fuji in snow

If there was ever a land that embraces its seasons, it’s Japan. Speak of spring and you’re instantly transported to the candy floss canopies of the blossom festivals. Winter offers evocative views of snow-dusted pagodas and monkeys in hot springs with icicle-crusted fur. In autumn, the brilliant red and orange hues of elegant Japanese gardens come alive, and Japan’s summers are filled with lush, emerald countryside. Keep reading...

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Trip planning

Best time to travel to Nepal and India

When choosing where to travel to on your next big trip, it is always important to research when the best time to travel is. If India/a> and Nepal are on your radar for an upcoming tour, check out our recommendations below for the best time to venture to these two fascinating countries.


As the seventh largest country in the world, defining India’s weather is a tricky task. There are several climatic regions from the tropical climate of Kerala to the arid northwest of the...

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