

South America

8 reasons you don’t want to visit Colombia

There’s not 5, not 10 but 8 (yes, we went there) reasons you really shouldn’t save up your hard earned cash to visit what was once voted the happiest country in the world. I mean, why would you want to put up with the loud salsa dancing on the streets of Cali, endless mountains and all that coffee? Let us tell you why...

1. Christmas is taken very seriously

Colombian’s love Christmas. So you’ll need to mentally prepare yourself for streets and streets of...

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Reasons to visit: Salento, Colombia.

A flight delay and a missed connection were to blame for my first visit to Colombia. The visit was a short 14 hour trip to the slightly chaotic, somewhat gloomy Bogota. The airline offered me a hotel for the night and an old friend in town picked me up to take me to the bi-yearly Iberia-American festival of Theatre that was taking place at the time.In that one night I was not only introduced to some exceptionally funny shows on the many stages, but also live salsa bands and was given a short...

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