

South America

8 reasons you don’t want to visit Colombia

There’s not 5, not 10 but 8 (yes, we went there) reasons you really shouldn’t save up your hard earned cash to visit what was once voted the happiest country in the world. I mean, why would you want to put up with the loud salsa dancing on the streets of Cali, endless mountains and all that coffee? Let us tell you why...

1. Christmas is taken very seriously

Colombian’s love Christmas. So you’ll need to mentally prepare yourself for streets and streets of...

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Trip planning

Your travel 2018 bucket list: Top 5 recommended cities

Lost City Colombia

We’ve finally reached that time of year where we look back on our travels and ask ourselves ‘where to next?’ Ease your Wanderlust with our top 5 recommended cities to visit in 2018...

1. Santa Marta, Colombia

Known to be the oldest city in Colombia, sunny Santa Marta isn’t usually the first choice of destination to explore when visiting northern Colombia, but is well worth a visit for lovers of sun, sea and sand. One of the best things to do is walk down...

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