
Travel tips

Trip planning

10 reasons why travelling with friends should be your next adventure

Gone are the days when you need to wait for a partner to whisk you away to an exotic destination. It’s 2020, and travellers from all over the globe are embracing new ways of travelling. While solo travel is still on the rise, and something we strongly believe everyone should try at least once in their lifetime, more globe-trotters are now grabbing their mates and jetting off on new-found adventures. Whether or not you are in a relationship, travelling with...

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Travel tips

Trip planning

20 Trips to Take in Your 20’s

While there is no perfect age to hop on a plane and start travelling, there is something special about experiencing what the world has to offer in your twenties. Maybe you are fresh out of university, eager to tick off your must see destinations before committing to that 9 - 5. Perhaps you’re unsure what career path you want to go down, but what you do know is you must-see...

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What to pack on the Gorilla Trek

Uganda mountain gorilla

Seeing the endangered mountain gorillas of Uganda or Rwanda is a real once-in-a-lifetime experience. Nothing can prepare you for that magical moment where you catch your first glimpse of a Silverback and his family just a few feet in front of you, completely in the wild. The privilege to see these incredible animals requires some hard work. You will be trekking through thick jungle foliage as your guide paves the way with...

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